by Chuck Hall
The first Culture Artist column was published on November 9, 2006 in my hometown newspaper, The Press and Banner, in Abbeville, South Carolina. Only a year later, this column has grown from a readership of a little over 5000 to over two million readers in nearly seventy newspapers on three continents! It has succeeded beyond my wildest expectations. The fact that readership of this column has grown so quickly tells me that there is a great global hunger to live in more ecological ways.
As I’ve gotten feedback on the past year’s columns, I’ve noticed a trend developing among the readers. In addition to a desire to manage natural resources in a sustainable manner, many readers talk to me about managing their lives sustainably. I found this to be an interesting and intriguing idea. What if there is a sustainability of the soul? What would that look like?
I believe that if there is any such thing as the human spirit, it is a renewable resource just as valuable as any other. Everyone needs some time in a special quiet place to replenish their spiritual energy.
I believe that a truly sustainable society would respect the inherent worth and dignity of all of its members, encouraging human growth and development. We all have a favorite person or group we love to oppose, whether that opposition is based on race, religion, politics, favorite sports team, choice of musical taste, favorite ice cream, or any other label we choose to hang on that amorphous "they,” but a sustainable culture would work diligently to minimize such differences by focusing instead on the things we have in common.
Far too often clashes of beliefs and perspectives lead to misunderstandings, arguments, fights and even wars. To prevent such events, all we need to do is to keep talking to each other and trying to understand each other. By respecting the person behind the belief, we will come a lot closer to a peaceful world.
With that in mind, a group of people who are concerned for the environment have banded together to form the Culture Artist Organization. This organization will be a non-profit dedicated to being a positive force for change in educating the general public in the importance of nature, ecology, and sustainable living practices. The Culture Artist Organization will do this through working with the local community and the world at large to establish educational programs and practical solutions to environmental problems, guided by the philosophical principles of Deep Ecology and sustainability.
One of our long-term goals is the establishment of the Forest Moon Ecovillage. In addition to being a village modeled on the principles of sustainability, Forest Moon will also be a teaching community, allowing people interested in such communities to visit and gain hands-on experience in green living. By sharing with each other, we help to create not only a sustainable ecosystem, but a sustainable human spirit as well.
If you would like to learn more about the work of the Culture Artist Organization, please visit our website at:
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